
Showing posts from 2013

Guilt and Mercy

"T hen Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from the belly of the fish, saying, "I called out to the LORD, out of my distress , and he answered me ; out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and you heard my voice. For you cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the flood surrounded me; all your waves and your billows passed over me. Then I said, ' I am driven away from your sight; yet I shall again look upon your holy temple. ' The waters closed in over me to take my life; the deep surrounded me; weeds were wrapped about my head at the roots of the mountains. I went down to the land whose bars closed upon me forever; yet you brought up my life from the pit, O LORD my God. When my life was fainting away, I remembered the LORD , and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple. Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love. But I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you ; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to th...

In need of reminding constantly

     P aul goes to Jerusalem in Galatians 2. He brings a Gentile with him - Titus. Jerusalem - the city of peace - becomes the display case for the reality of gospel peace. Paul brings a non-law keeping Gentile into the headquarters of legalistic Judaism to show the world the freedom Christ brings from the bondage to the law. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." 3:28      God displays His glory and His pleasure in crossing every wall of partition imaginable - social, racial, economical, religious. . . . . .      Titus was accepted, without circumcision.The Jewish church leaders understood that Christ's law-keeping and penalty-paying death removed the dividing wall between Jew and Gentile, between uncircumcised and circumcised.  He had circumcised their hearts. The blood of the Lamb of God had atoned for, payed for, more th...

Galloping horses, quiet streams

Q uiet streams,  . . . still waters, . . . .green pastures, sufficient grace. Grace for the moment - that's what He promised. And He gives it. Breathe deep and be still .  "he is God." Ps. 46:10 "Be still and quiet and calm, cease striving, stop.    His call is as quiet as a whisper and as loud and strong as a thunderclap.       How hard could that be? Seriously?        As a young child I would race everywhere I went, never sitting still, always in  a hurry. I was once dared to sit still for 5 minutes with the expectation that I couldn't do it. My stubbornness kicked in and I tried to prove them wrong, for all of about 5 seconds.   "I shall not want [lack, miss out on, need] nothing" - I shall not be without any good thing. I will not be left destitute. He will NEVER  fall short or run out of His supply. I will lack no good thing - if I wait for Him. " O LORD, my heart is not lift...

Living close

     T he man sitting in front of me at the folk dancing program smelled as if he had just come in from wasting a cigarette - I could barely breathe at first! I didn't know how I would last the program in that seat, but there was no moving elsewhere. I prayed for grace to endure and to breathe.      The clothes thrown in bags in the back of the van for the church give away reeked of smoke. They were tightly sealed in big black trash bags when they reach the church so that the church doesn't pick up the odor. I was disgusted and full of self-righteous indignation. Didn't they know how badly they smelled and how quickly others could pick up the same odor by being in contact with them or standing next to them? Didn't they care that their habit was so inconvenient to the 'purity' of those around them?      I got to thinking. I was so disgusted by the smell of someone's sin and so full of pride and self-righteous indignation at ...

For ten thousand years

" E v'ry morning that breaks there mercies anew.    Ev'ry breath that I take is Your faithfulness proved;     And at the end of each day, when my labors are through,      I will sing of your mercies anew.  When I've fallen and strayed, there were mercies anew;    For You sought me in love and my heart You pursued.      In the face of my sin, Lord, You never withdrew,       So I sing of Your mercies anew.  When the storms swirl and rage, there are mercies anew.   In affliction and pain, You will carry me through;    And at the end of my days, when Your throne fills my view,     I will sing of Your mercies anew.  And Your mercies, they will never end;    For ten thousand years they remain.    And when this world's beauty has passed away,     Your mercies will be unchange d." - Mercies Anew ...

When you feel raw

       G od knows where you are. He knows how exposed you feel, how vulnerable. He knows the storms you're living through, without end in sight. He know that you've opened yourself wide and have not quenched the flood of tears so long pent up. He knows and sees the emptiness and the barrenness that screams from cavernous depths of a lonely heart. He knows how long you've waited to have that need met and filled. He feels the ache of your heart - your hearts are one. He weeps with you.      He does not judge or condemn your need. He created it. He does not scream platitudes at you. He listens. He listens as you come to Him raw and without strength. He is there. When you feel unloved or unworthy of love He holds you. He heals.      Let Him heal your heart. Let Him hold your needs and lacks and emptiness. Let Him redeem them and give Him thanks. Let Him fill your cup to overflowing. Let Him dog your steps with goodness and...

In all things

     I am reminded that life is daily, that the Lord's mercies are fresh and new every morning, that God's forgiveness is patient and cleans you pure every time. I'm learning that God provides life's blessings, both small and big.      As I prepare to leave, I realize how much I have yet to do. I am reminded daily to enjoy life's little blessings in the face of it's many tasks needing completion. In the face of life's check list and big 'To-Do's,' I can't forget the sight of irises blooming in a big cluster by the road as I drive by, a little gift bag from a friend, the scent of honeysuckle (one of my favorites in the world) permeating the back yard a work, the smell of rain and an approaching storm, and the money needed for a car repair from my paycheck this week. " He has given me all things ." 2 Peter 1:3  " He gives more grace. " James 4:6  " My cup overflows . . .surely, goodness and mercy shall 'dog...

"Free from the law, O, HAPPY CONDITION!"

     H ow many times have I sung that song and been ignorant of its implications? How many times have I thought and lived as that I was still required to keep part of God's law for His acceptance of me? The Lord has begun to give me understanding concerning this truth - that I am free from obligation to keep the law - and I wanted to share it with you all. Now, before you wind up your springs and prepare to pounce, give me a chance to explain what I mean.      The path to understanding began last month when, asking the Lord to reveal what I should prepare for the ladies in Poland, He gave me the book of Galatians. The theme of the book: sanctification through law versus sanctification through faith was something I misunderstood. I always thought that it was referring to salvation through works verses salvation through faith. I could argue the point that salvation was through the vehicle of faith, not through the vehicle of works and obedienc...

So loved

"I am Thine , O Lord."       I'm His. The life I live is not mine to live as I choose. That's so easy to say and give mental assent to, but how often do I truly meditate on that truth and accept it for every decision I make? How often in my decisions do I consider or consult Him? Theology is practical or it's nothing. He has been reminding me of this these past two weeks.  He showed me how much of my life I was living as if I was calling the shots. He has been reminding me of the blood sacrifice He made in my place and His incredible love for me. He used the sacrifice of Muslim cattle on a holy day and the streets flowing with their blood to remind me of my Savior's bloody substitutionary death on my behalf.I. am. so (likewise, in this same manner, just as, like this) loved by my God. What other religion has a God who became a man and perished at the hands of evil men? What other religion has a God who loves them soo much? What other religion is motiva...


"W ho is sufficient for these things?"       I feel as though the tapestry of what my life looked like is coming apart - unraveling. I feel as though the clay pot that was my normal has shattered and I'm standing in the middle of the pieces, not quite sure which one to pick up first. . . . .Let me explain.       I'm standing on the verge of a life-revolutionizing journey, two months away from the unknown. The structure and comfort and 'normal' of what I've known these past 26 years will be gone. (chuckles) I can't wait! I will be on my own for the very first time in my life. Family and friends will be an ocean away. And have I mentioned that I'm terrible of taking care of myself on my own?      But the mind-blowing thing is - I'll get to meet my God face to face and see His love and care for me in ways I've never imagined. I'll get to know my God, who He is to me ! I'll be on my own - alone - but with Him! I'm ...

A cracked dirt pot = blinding grace

"S o I went down to the potter's house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do. Then the word of the LORD came to me: "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the LORD. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israe l." Jer. 18:3-6      God works on us; He works on me - kneads and fashions me - and it takes time in my life for Him to do this. Last semester the Lord revealed to me a sin - an area of sin into which I continually decide to fall. I started a Bible study on it and dropped it a few months later. The Lord has begun to show me manifestations of that particular sin -again. He is showing me my heart. I am amazed that He's still working on me in this area. I am so thankful that He is. He doesn't reveal to me my sin once and le...

Hemmed in by fear

" T he fear of the LORD leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied; he will not be visited by harm." Proverbs 19:23 "whoever has it rests satisfied"      Is the "it" referring to the fear of the LORD or to the possession of life at the end of it? I tried to think of possible ramifications for either. If the fear of the LORD is the antecedent, the reason for satisfaction is the understanding of the sovereign One in whose presence is "fullness of joy" and at whose right hand there are "pleasures forevermore" (Ps. 16). Satisfaction comes from dwelling on and in the presence of God.    On the other hand,if the antecedent is life, then the harm referred to is the harm of death and separation from His joy-filled presence.      I am a visual learner, so I drew a diagram in my Bible study notebook of a stick figure walking along a path labeled "The fear of the LORD." At the end of the path I wrote "life" and...

Remembering to say, "I love you."

     M y grandfather is dying from cancer. They've given him months to live, but nobody knows how long. He's in Louisiana and I'm in South Carolina. The last time I saw him was several years ago - before he moved from North Carolina to Louisiana. That was the last time I told him I loved him, I think.      After talking to mom last night and realizing how serious things were after just one round of chemo (nearly killed him), I began to remember  . . . . . remember the times he pushed us around in the wheelbarrow and then let us have a go at trying to get it around yard, the time he scared me by showing up Christmas morning dressed as Santa and me too young to enjoy people in costume. I remember underdogs on the tree swing in the back yard, Grandpa cringing as I looked at him with my eyes crossed, him taking me to the doctor because I was fool enough to try to reach the bar on the opposite side of the swing set with my feet as I pumped my sw...

2 Peter 1:3

" H is divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, "       He has begun this good work in me and He will complete it. He is a master watch-winder and He is constantly winding my clock to again accurately keep in time with His plan for me. He renews my mind when I sit at His feet.      One cog in the watch of my life that I have been dealing with of late is my allusion of my control over 'my' life. Looking back over things that didn't go as I planned, I am tempted to try to figure out what went wrong and how I can keep those 'mistakes' from happening again. This is my attempt to manipulate people and circumstances to fit the 'timing' I think is best for my life.  " You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God" 1 Cor. 6:19b-20a "Bought by such love, my life is not my own. My praise, my all...

Skin thirsty, soul thirsty

  D ry and parched, bleeding, sore,  skin thirsty, soul thirsty.    Thirsty soul - dying from lack of Water. How often do I neglect the time to nourish that which is my protection, my first defense- time with Him? Why do I?  Why do I choose against life, fullness of joy inexpressible, rejoicing, peace, rest, slathering my soul with His life-giving love for the embellishment of that which will fade, is deceitful, vain, withering each moment more, will break down, bruise, and bleed?  And I wonder at His seeming silence, . . . . .  my coldness and lack of responsiveness toward Him And His command. I wonder that I balk at His goodness and grace when I have hewn out broken and cracked sisterns rather than revel in the endless Life-spring for my sustenance.  Soul thirsty - desperate to be filled with His grace.   And. He. fills.  He. overflows. my. cup.