
"Who is sufficient for these things?"

      I feel as though the tapestry of what my life looked like is coming apart - unraveling. I feel as though the clay pot that was my normal has shattered and I'm standing in the middle of the pieces, not quite sure which one to pick up first. . . . .Let me explain.

      I'm standing on the verge of a life-revolutionizing journey, two months away from the unknown. The structure and comfort and 'normal' of what I've known these past 26 years will be gone. (chuckles) I can't wait! I will be on my own for the very first time in my life. Family and friends will be an ocean away. And have I mentioned that I'm terrible of taking care of myself on my own?

     But the mind-blowing thing is - I'll get to meet my God face to face and see His love and care for me in ways I've never imagined. I'll get to know my God, who He is to me! I'll be on my own - alone - but with Him! I'm both terrified of Who I'll meet and yet skin-bursting excited and can't wait for it anticipating it.

     My clay pot might be shattered, but it's a good thing, it's an exciting thing. He makes all things new and fresh and full of life! He gets to put me back together in a stunningly beautiful way. He's got this because He has me.



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