So loved

"I am Thine, O Lord."

      I'm His. The life I live is not mine to live as I choose. That's so easy to say and give mental assent to, but how often do I truly meditate on that truth and accept it for every decision I make? How often in my decisions do I consider or consult Him? Theology is practical or it's nothing. He has been reminding me of this these past two weeks.  He showed me how much of my life I was living as if I was calling the shots. He has been reminding me of the blood sacrifice He made in my place and His incredible love for me. He used the sacrifice of Muslim cattle on a holy day and the streets flowing with their blood to remind me of my Savior's bloody substitutionary death on my behalf.I. am. so (likewise, in this same manner, just as, like this) loved by my God. What other religion has a God who became a man and perished at the hands of evil men? What other religion has a God who loves them soo much? What other religion is motivated by love for rather than fear of their God because of the love their God has for them?!/s/Worthy+Is+The+Lamb/2L37T6?src=5


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