In all things

     I am reminded that life is daily, that the Lord's mercies are fresh and new every morning, that God's forgiveness is patient and cleans you pure every time. I'm learning that God provides life's blessings, both small and big.

     As I prepare to leave, I realize how much I have yet to do. I am reminded daily to enjoy life's little blessings in the face of it's many tasks needing completion. In the face of life's check list and big 'To-Do's,' I can't forget the sight of irises blooming in a big cluster by the road as I drive by, a little gift bag from a friend, the scent of honeysuckle (one of my favorites in the world) permeating the back yard a work, the smell of rain and an approaching storm, and the money needed for a car repair from my paycheck this week.

"He has given me all things." 2 Peter 1:3 

"He gives more grace." James 4:6 

"My cup overflows . . .surely, goodness and mercy shall 'dog my steps' all the days of my life." Ps. 23:5,6

"give thanks in all circumstances." 1 Tim. 5:18

     What has God done for you today?


  1. God enabled me to help two patrons at work today with things that I hadn't ever done before. He gave me time to have a good long chat with my mom, and talk with a relative that I haven't met before, but is spiritually needy, and was able to share a small part of my faith in God with him. I was also given a few minutes with a dear friend. God has been so good to me today and blessed me in so many ways. Thank you, Daddie!


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