In the meantime,

What do you do when you're waiting for something? What do you do when you've been waiting for the same thing for a very long time? . . . .

     I find myself pulling out my computer and doing more writing and on a more regular basis this last week than I have consistently done so in a very long time. I've been storing up stories and thoughts and perhaps speaking these things to others but not preserving them on 'paper.' That is changing and I'm glad. I feel as though I'm beginning to write what I've been waiting to write and I pray I don't stop.

      I have found myself in a season of waiting for the fulfillment of several dreams and desires, some lasting over a decade and some for just a few years. It has been a time of preparation, a time of learning to trust, learning better to be still, of learning who I am with God. We all go through these seasons.

     I stand on the brink, the precipice, at the edge of the ocean of something new, something radical, something that will change my life forever. And yet, I feel as though there are parts of me that will never change. I will and I will not be the same when I cross that ocean again and return to the location that I used to call 'home' and 'status quo' and my 'normal.' (I pray I'm wiser, kinder, more in love with God when I do step foot again on these shores.)

     I've been contemplating goodbyes and packing up and storing and leaving behind bits and pieces of what makes me the way I am - my books, my creations, etc., the 'pieces of home,' as I put it in a previous post. As I contemplate leaving, I'm soo thankful that I'm not doing this alone.

     The founder of my Alma mater once said, "You plus God make a majority." Armed with this reality, I wade into the ocean unafraid. I can go. I can go! And I can go with confidence, boldness, courage! I can go without fear but strong in His strength.

     This journey, this adventure, is part of the meantime, the waiting. It is also the fulfillment of some of those dreams and desires. This adventure must happen and it is His good pleasure to bring it about!


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