What God ordains

What God ordains is always good: His will is just and holy:
And though the path be wrought with thorns, I follow meek and lowly.
My God, indeed, in every need knows well how He will shield me.
To Him, then, I will yield me; to Him, then, I will yield me.

"What God Ordains" by Samuel Rodigast 

     That has been the theme that my Jesus has woven throughout these past six months. The battle is already won and the struggle and straining for the right is never in vain. Submission to Him is never the wrong thing to do.

"Every act of obedience is an act of worship." Ernest Prentiss

     These past six months He has brought me to the edge of the precipice, the emptying of my strength, the end of my rope and He has brought me back again. I don't know why God cracks open doors of opportunity, leaves them open with the possibility of stepping through them, and then closes them. I have to know that He does it for a reason and I have seen Him use even these past few days to strengthen my trust in Him. I have had to leave things in His hands,  admitting my own helplessness and have had to trust the results to Him. He has answered prayer. He has met needs, and He is still in charge of the way that I take. I find that when life is at its hardest, my relationship with Jesus grows the most. The brilliant beauty of the relationship between us, He and I, grows and becomes more vibrant in color and glory when surrounded by the blacks and grays of storms. I find Him more lovely and I grow in my understanding of the beauty that He sees in me as His workmanship and His beloved.

"There's a peace I've come to know, though my flesh and heart may fail.
 There's an anchor for my soul; I can say, 'It is well."

"I Will Rise" 
Lyrics by Chris Tomlin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FQb-cVwbKE (I don't endorse the group performing it, but the song itself is glorious.)

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." 
Ps. 73:26



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