Peace, be still

Inside a tempest rages.
The winds of confusion are blowing strong;
The waves of man's opinions are crashing over the boat.
Give me peace.
I can't see the shore.

I want to please You.
I want to serve You.
Show me which way to turn.
What should I think?
What should I pursue?
Give me peace.
I can't see the shore.

My skiff is tiny and the sea is vast.
The currents pull from all sides.
I am content to go on alone
And ride the waves until this storm is over,
Only let me go with You.
Give me grace.
Give me peace,
When I can't see the shore.

You are my Hiding Place.
You are my Peace, my Rock, my Anchor;
You are the Eye of the storm,
And the storm is in Your hand.
You are the Answer to my cries for mercy.
You are my Contentment and my Strength.
Let me follow You to shore.

"Peace, peace, be still. . . .. . .."


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