Mercy, not religion
" For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings ." Micah 6:6 I'm realizing that in my defense of doctrinal truth, as I understand it, I might in actuality be treating symptoms rather than the illness of insecurity. Am I so concerned that if I don't defend doctrine, that it will fall apart without me? What needs to be held to and what needs to be let go of? I have a strong sense of justice - a gift from above - but how do I feel about mercy? Forgiveness? Steadfast love in the face of rejection? of difference? Being able to rightly handle the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) is what I should strive for, but how well do I know the Author of that Word? I should always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in me (1 Peter 3:15), but what is my motive for doing so? Is it to prove my understanding correct? To prove that I'm right? To defend God? Do I need to defend the Lion of the tribe of Juda...