Philippians 4:13 - Taken out of context?
I'm reading today in Philippains 4 and the realization struck me that I might have misinterpreted what Paul was driving at in verse 13. The thing that he is able "to do" [English translation of the Greek "to have power to be able to"] is face whatever circumstance God gives Him with contentment.
So often, we take this verse out of its context and apply it to whatever we're facing. That is not to say that God does not give us the grace to do what He calls us to do (spoken of in other parts of Scripture), but the immediate context of this verse is trust and contentment. Do I know how to be content and trust God, am I content and do I trust God when: I'm brought low - brought to a place of need and disappointment/failure, I abound - when I'm successful and do things well, when I have everything I need or face the privation of my daily needs? (see Romans 8:35-36) How does one learn this lesson? Does the context give us a clue? I think it does.
We are told to rejoice and be glad - 4:4. We are told to be gentle in spirit and allow the gentleness be experienced by others - 4:5. We are told not to be anxious about anything in our lives (see also Matthew 6), but to talk to Jesus about everything that bothers us - 4:6. We are told to think on what is true and to submit to the peace of Christ 4:7-8. All this boils down to letting Jesus and His truth rule our thoughts, words, and actions. When we spending time dwelling on who His character and faithfulness to us, we are more likely to trust Him with today and tomorrow. Ann Voskamp compares this with looking behind us at all the bridges we have crossed that have been upheld by Him - His past faithfulness to us.
So, what bridges is He holding up for you today? How has His past faithfulness to you grown your trust in Him? How is it with your soul? Are you content?
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