Ever get frustrated in worship? Worship in 'soul' and in truth?
I grew up in the church. I'm a pastor/missionary's kid. I've been exposed to times of worship since before I was born. I graduated from a Christian university, have attended multiple doctrinally solid churches, but one thing none of that experience trained me for was worship in the Spirit. Oh, it was something we were expected to do to please God but no one ever told us how! Like so many phrases in the Bible that we were expected to understand and incorporate without explanation or definition or with a definition that fell short of the reality, to 'worship in Spirit and in truth,' was another in a long string of vague, nebulous phrases. The Lord began to teach me several years ago about the Spirit and what life looks like in relationship to the Spirit. He gave me the gifts of praying in tongues, prophetic dreams and visions, and began to teach me how to commune with Him. He then took me across the ocean to a small surfing town on the coast of Fr...