Opposition and triumph!

If ever I questioned the source and sustainer of my faith, this season in my life has given me the same answer over and over and over again. The truth is, there is only one answer.


     Since I began to pursue ministry training overseas for this next summer, I have run into opposition over and over and over again - the seemingly insurmountable amount of money needed to make the trip happen, the inability to log into the website through which I was to set up my visa appointment in Los Angeles (after repeated attempts over the course of several days), the printer that did not want to print the necessary documents to bring with me to my appointment the day I was scheduled to have it, a car that is not currently driveable (dying on me several times, an estimate for testing to diagnose the problem that was close to $300, multiple parts that need replacing, a gear shifter that sticks because it was messed up by someone else), the inability to pay for the necessary towing to get my car where it needed to be when it needed to be there, etc.

     The enemy has been working hard to push me away from my Commanding Officer by seeking my discouragement, seeking to incite me to be anxious, fearful, and angry, by hindering my steps and by removing things upon which one takes for granted to work properly in order for them to go about daily life. One thing the enemy did not count on was my Commanding Officer. One thing he (they - Eph. 6:12) were not paying heed to was the Word of God and God's faithfulness to keep His promises.

     Every time I have been met with an obstacle, God has provided 'a way of escape.' He has kept His Word to provide for and take care of me - one of His chosen ones. You don't mess with the Creator of the universe or with those whom He loves! He stepped in over and over and over again, meeting needs and supplying even desires when I could not face my opponent alone. He stepped in and, through my church, removed half the financial burden needed for my trip. He opened the door to log into the website to set up my visa appointment and brought in a tech-savvy brother (soon to be brother-in law) who was able to print my documents for me. He has supplied more than one bicycle to get me to work and, months ago, provided me with housing within a 20-25 minute or so ride from work (I get to test this out this week.). He provided a friend who used to run his own mechanic shop to walk me through how to get my gear shifter unstuck so that I could at least get my car home. He provided (years ago) 3 free tows from AAA - the exact amount needed to get my car from home to the mechanic to test it, to my friend's house to also look at it, and home. He provided the funds for what was an almost $300 estimate that was dropped to under $120. (I have also been provided a healthy means of weight loss before my trip this summer - bike riding!)

     Through this ordeal, I have known the provision of God in my faith. He has given the gift of faith to believe that, where He opens a door for ministry, He will provide the funds to accomplish it. He has provided friends who have encouraged me that He will work things out and that I will be ok in the midst of need. He has provided friends to help me get places when it would be unsafe or unfeasible for me to ride there on the bike.

     I have been greatly encouraged by the reality of my salvation and by the strength and sufficiency of my Savior. In the little, daily, and larger than I can handle needs, He has come through for me. What my enemy did not count on was that the things he (they - Eph. 6:12) sought to send my way to drive me away from my Creator actually drove me to Him harder than I would have otherwise run!

"I serve a risen Savior;
 He's in the world today!
 I know that He is living,

 whatever man may say.
 I see His hand of mercy;
 I hear His voice of cheer.
 And just the time I need Him
 He's always near!

 He lives! He lives!
 Christ Jesus lives today!

 He walks with me and talks with me
 along the narrow way.
 He lives! He lives! 
 Salvation to impart.
 You ask me how I know He lives?
 He lives within my heart!"

"He Lives!" by Alfred Ackley


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