The heart of a man plans his way . . .

     "The heart of a man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his step." Proverbs 16:9

      I have found this to be a reality in my life. I usually don't see it until I'm looking back on a situation or circumstance. There are certain vistas that the Lord gives us as we progress on the Christian journey. They allow us a clearer perspective on where we came from and what we walked through. They're like a break in the clouds viewing the terrain from the top of a mountain - you can see the valley and terrain you've come through to get where you are. You gain an appreciation for what you've walked through and it can cause gratitude to well up within you that you have survived the terrain and reached the 'scenic overlook' from which you view the landscape. 

      One thing about overlooks in the mountains, you can't always see very far up above and ahead of you. The road before you twists and turns out of sight. Life keeps going. As Reepicheep beckons in "The Last Battle" by Lewis, "Higher up, further in!" He was speaking of heaven, but how true this is in our walk here on earth. We are His masterpieces in the making, and yet are still dirt pots (2 Cor. 4:7). We are being transformed from one degree of glory to another (2 Cor. 3:18). We still have further to go, more growth ahead of us. 

     I am currently experiencing a more sensitive understanding of the reality that my steps are ordered by the Lord. I can see how He's led even these last few years and I anticipate what this year will bring. This will be a year of greater change than I think I have experienced since coming to Colorado. I get the sense that God is on the verge of revealing a divinely orchestrated shift in the status quo of my day to day life. He has, as He has in times past, begun to work within me a divine restlessness that will enable me to pull back from how things have been and embrace how things will be. It's an exciting time and also a time of uncertainty. I will be spending more time outside the US this year than I ever have before. I will be spending concentrated time in countries that have long been on my heart, as I desire ministry in these countries. I'm anticipating a strengthened walk with God in prayer as I pursue what He puts in front of me. I'm stepping into this year with my God and He will see me clear to the end of it.


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