Rushed and weighed down

     This holiday season has been soo much harder for reasons I don't fully understand.

     When the beginning of December rolled around and I was reminded how many more days until Christmas I groaned. Christmas in retail becomes (or can) a thing to be dreaded. I couldn't wait until it was over and now it almost is.

     The time has not been taken to stop, to ponder, to revel in the miracle of Christmas and now that it's almost here, if feels soo rushed. It's just another day to get through, or so it feels. There has been so much to do and you get in a rut of just doing the next thing so that you can survive the next day with something of your sanity intact.

     This has been a season of change and of preparation for change and I think that reality has had a part to play in the difficulty of the season. For the first time in years, I'm anticipating the opportunity to spend significant time overseas next year in pursuit of the ministry the Lord has burdened me and has been preparing me for. That reality has many needs and decisions attached to it and the burden of those weighs heavy on me. The needs, mainly financial, are overwhelming. The decisions about storing my earthly belongings, car, what housing and job will look like when I come back carry weight. Thankfully, I don't have to make some of those decisions (like housing) until I come back and 9 months is a good amount of time to pray about future ministry.

     The Lord has also brought friendships back into my life that have been absent for a long time. This is something for which I am extremely grateful and want to steward wisely.

     Add to this change the exhaustion of long, busy, and stressful work hours (have an 11 hour shift scheduled for today), and you have a weary and discouraged woman.

     I feel rushed and weighed down. I'm thankful that we're approaching the slower season at work, but if this last year is any indication of what next year will be like, we are only going to get more busy than we have been.

     Our enemy doesn't want us to take the time to ponder the miracle of Christmas. The minute we begin to, he throws other distractions our way. It's a battle, but it's one worth fighting.

"For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:6 ESV


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