You don’t have to

     I was reminded this morning by the Lord, that love is both a choice and a Person.

Love suffers long, and is kind.” 1 Cor. 13:4

     I so easily get wrapped up in my agenda for what I would like to see happen in the lives of those I love. I become so convinced that my desires for them, my plans for them are what is best for them. I strive so hard in prayer for God to work out MY plans for them and then get frustrated when He doesn’t listen or do things according to my timeline.

     He is so good to remind me that HE is God. He is in complete control of the situation and He will work all things in each of our lives out so that HE is magnified both in our hearts and minds and in the hearts and minds of those whom I know.

     How do I respond to Him when I am reminded of these things? How do I respond when He shows me my heart and the incredible self-centeredness of it? How do I respond when He reminds me of His sovereignty over my situation?

     I marvel, confess, and submit. I marvel that, though He knows my heart and sees my sin, He loves me. I marvel at how small I am and how great He is. In short, I worship. (“How Great You Are” by Phillips Craig & Dean)

     When I look at how poorly I love in comparison to Him and I see how insufficient my own resources are to love others, I realize that I don’t have to rely on my resources. I. have. His. I have His Spirit who enables me with His strength to love others. I have access to His grace to submit to His plans because mine are full of flaws but His never are. When I look at the reality that Love suffers long and then see my own pitiful ability to wait on Jesus for His working in others, I realize how much I need Him.


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