
Showing posts from April, 2018

The beautiful, busted, broken

“ And the Word became flesh.” John 1:14 “ And they shall call His name Immanuel, which means, ‘ God with us.’” Matthew 1:23      The broken, busted now. ‘Now’ can feel like a burden. The weight of this broken world and my brokenness in it can drag a soul down. But there is Someone  who inhabits our brokenness with us. He is not ashamed of us (Heb. 2:11). He Himself is our peace (Eph.2:14). He was broken and He is beauty. And, he is in the process of transforming our brokenness into beauty. He works everything out according to the counsel of His will and for the good, that is the transforming of his beloved into his own image. (Romans 8; Ephesians 1). He will not fail to do so nor will he abandon the work of his hands. He will not give up on us and He will never stop loving us, never stop forgiving us, never stop dwelling with us in our broken. He removes our ugly sin as far as the east is from the west and He does it because He loves passionately, jealously, int...

Pieces of Home

    The Lord has me in the middle of moving yet again in this beautiful state of Colorado.  I have now moved as many times since coming to Colorado as I have over the course of my life before - 7 times before and 7 times since moving here = 14 times. (My sister calls me the Colorado nomad. I have to smile.)      I’m not sure why the Lord hasn’t allowed me to get too comfortable here. It is very unsettling to not have a place to plant your feet and say, “This is home.” I’ve learned to think, “This is home for now,” and just roll with it. (For some reason,  this last move has been so much harder on me than any of the previous moves and I can’t pinpoint exactly why.  I have struggled more with discouragement and a sense of not knowing where I belong, feeling lost and alone.)       In the middle of all of the moving, packing and unpacking, relocating and re-orienting, I realize that there a certain little things that help provi...