When God opens doors on the desires of your heart

"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Ps. 37:4

     I stand amazed that God is a giver of good gifts, even the gifts I never expected to open. I don't know why I'm surprised. My God loves to do me good!

     Several weeks ago, I found out that the planned move back home to NYC was not going to take place. The door slammed shut suddenly and with finality. I knew that I would be in the States for another few years but was ready for something new. I was frustrated and feeling lost - not knowing where to turn.

     The Lord used this time of uncertainty to settle in my heart His leading in the area of my theological convictions. It seemed as though wherever I turned I was running into ministries that held convictions I could not. I love being involved in ministry, but believe that I must be honest about where God has me now. I was comforted with His sovereignty and His purpose, even though I couldn't see where I was to go and what I was to do - I knew that He knew what was going on and would show me when I needed to know.

      Praise God for friends who love God and to whom one can go to be heard and held. I was feeling overwhelmed and lost and they invited me over just to spend time with me, mere days after I found out about New York. I was able to be my frustrated, overwhelmed self and they listened and encouraged and loved on me. During the course of our conversation, it was brought up that a church here in Greenville (that they attend) had a church plant in the Denver area. DENVER!!!!( I love Colorado and the chill, casual atmosphere in Denver. My dad's family is from Ft. Collins, having helped settle the city. I have family and friends in Colorado. I love being surrounded by mountains and have really missed snow, being down south for so long.) We checked out the church's doctrinal statement right then and there and I didn't find anything I felt in conflict with. I spoke with a former pastor friend of mine about the church, because he recently moved from the Denver area. He had nothing but good things to say about it. It sounds a lot like the church I'm currently attending here in Greenville.

     As I've pursued the possibility of moving, doors have begun to open. A friend volunteered their home to stay in during the weeklong survey trip I'll be taking this next week. Friends have volunteered helping me find housing, should I find a job out there. I have a job interview and a possible housing situation to consider while I'm out there.

     I stand amazed and humbled that my Father would do this for me. It's all His grace!



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