
"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

"Our God is in the heavens; he does whatever he pleases." Ps. 115:3

      The Lord is growing me in my understanding of His sovereignty. He is God and I am not. Being God, He has the right to order the events of my life in accordance with His plan, not mine. I am to submit. He is powerful enough to order the events of my life for my good, He is good enough to want my good, and He is wise enough to know what that good is. My good, however, is never divorced from His glory because His glory is my good.

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Ps. 37:4

(If you delight yourself in the Lord, doesn't He become your desire?)

     I recently ran up against a situation that I believed was for my good, but God steered me away from it. I wanted (still sometimes do) to cling to what I thought was good, partly because I feared the Lord could not do better for me. I was happy. I felt loved and wanted and, yes, needed. Who doesn't relish those comforts? Being a woman, I'm created to be a help meet - to come alongside and help! I thrive in situations where my skills and strengths are able to be put to work and are a blessing to other people. I could see the encouragement and blessing that I was able to be to those whom I thought needed me. There were needs, yes, but am I the ultimate one who was created to fill them? Could someone do a better job? Is there someone out there who will, in God's timing? I don't know. But I do know that this same situation is not for my good and His glory right now.

     Life is gritty. It's dirty. It requires wrestling in the mud of dust-formed existence. This is reality for 'pinched-off pieces of clay' (Job 33:6) housing eternal souls groaning for the release of glory in redeemed bodies.

"The Word became flesh." John 1:14

     He took on the confines of dirt, of clay, and wrestled with the limitations of mud. Why? So that He could rescue, so that He could identify, so that He could save our dirt-bound souls. He came to do not His own will but the will of Him who sent Him. And. He. did. it. He says over and over and over and over and over again in the book of John that the words He said the things He did, the things He didn't do were all controlled by His Father. The Eternal Son took on a frame of dirt and obeyed His Father.

Can I do anything less?

     If the Father loves me with the love that He loves His Son, if the Father orchestrated my redemption, my buying back from the slave market of sin, if my Father knows the end from the beginning, what can I do but trust Him? What can I do but follow where He leads?

     Why do I doubt Him? Why do I question His love? Why do I think I know better?

He. is. God.


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