When you feel raw
G od knows where you are. He knows how exposed you feel, how vulnerable. He knows the storms you're living through, without end in sight. He know that you've opened yourself wide and have not quenched the flood of tears so long pent up. He knows and sees the emptiness and the barrenness that screams from cavernous depths of a lonely heart. He knows how long you've waited to have that need met and filled. He feels the ache of your heart - your hearts are one. He weeps with you. He does not judge or condemn your need. He created it. He does not scream platitudes at you. He listens. He listens as you come to Him raw and without strength. He is there. When you feel unloved or unworthy of love He holds you. He heals. Let Him heal your heart. Let Him hold your needs and lacks and emptiness. Let Him redeem them and give Him thanks. Let Him fill your cup to overflowing. Let Him dog your steps with goodness and...