Laid bare - what loss exposes (Part 1)
Loss makes us uncomfortable. It reminds us of struggle, discomfort, a lack of our own control, and of our own mortality. L oss leaves us feeling exposed. It hits a little too close to home. I reminds us of our limitations, humanity, and the possibility that this pain is something we, ourselves, could experience. We don't enjoy contemplating that - it makes us feel VERY vulnerable and VERY uncomfortable. So, often, we avoid dealing with it by filling the awkward, empty space with words that "sound" Christian but reflect very little of the heart of Christ. Christ is not uncomfortable in the face of pain. He doesn't seek to run away from the hurting, the broken, the diseased - He runs toward them. And when He does, He doesn't preach at them - He touches them and heals them. In the following posts, I want to work through a list of things that loss/grief exposes or lays bare in the hearts of both those who have experienced it and those who haven't. This ...