
Showing posts from March, 2023

Do you have a category for . . . . .?

      I began a journey of discovery a few months ago and it has changed my life. It has changed the way I look at the Bible and my natural curiosity/desire to learn has been heightened exponentially. I want to dig into my Bible in a greater way than I think I every have. Due to this journey of discovery, I've begun to learn how to look at the Bible through the worldview lens of those who wrote it. Things I either glanced over (due to ignorance) or might have briefly puzzled over now fit into a framework that makes sense.        A major aspect of this framework is my need to have categories for the supernatural beings and worldview presented in the Bible. A 're-emergence' of these categories in some Christian circles has led to some very strong opinions, both for and against their accuracy and/or necessity. Some are more willing to accept their presence in Scripture and others are vehemently opposed, often to the point of inconsistent interpretations o...